Open Secret

There is an open secret about Claw, everyone hates him. Is it because Claw is the self-proclaimed most handsome fighter in the world ?

A hard decision

The Old version of Sagat is considered one of the most powerful if not the most, character in the game. On the other hand New Sagat is a low/middle character.  What do you want? An easy win or battle with honor?

Missing old times

Ryu is a middle tier character and the protagonist of the game. He is all around character. His old version shoryukens are completely invincible until the recovery frames.  This is something New ryu doesn’t have.

Vega or Balrog or as we know it: Claw

No weapons allowed

Claw is not the type of guy who follows the rules… Weapons, mask, he can input his super and not spend it until it connects…

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